The creative expression class is one of the few classes where I truly had a chance to improve my skills in writing and evolve to become a better writer. The most important skill that I have gained from this class and all the assignments that I have done is the process of revisiting our work and continuing to improve upon it. In one of the videos assigned in this class stated a quote by Paul Valéry that really struck me. He said “A poem is never finished, only abandoned”. This quote really relates to my entire journey in this class, where I experienced how to write multifarious assignments and only saw myself advancing from one assignment to another, ultimately growing to become a better writer as I completed each assignment.
My writing process is fairly simple. I begin every piece of writing by first analyzing the works of others for inspiration. I then use the styles I observed to format my own writing piece. In our first major assignment, the formal letter of introduction, I freely expressed myself without paying much attention to format or structure. Then, as we moved on to the personal literacy narrative and annotated bibliography essay, I began to grow as I slowly started applying structure and limitations to my work. I learned the importance of research and the usefulness of analyzing the rhetorical situation of your sources. This process truly helped me advance my writing skills by allowing me to enlighten myself about the various processes authors use while writing and attempting to convey a specific message to their audience.
I faced copious challenges throughout this semester that played a big role in my journey to become a better writer. One of the largest obstacles faced was time management. As a writer, it takes multiple tries to scribe your precise thoughts onto ink and paper. I realized that being a writer means being time-conscious, because every second is valued and counted towards improvement. I used to constantly procrastinate and leave my work until the last minute which became an impediment to my intellectual growth, as I put little effort and thought into my writing. However, as the semester took me on various roller coaster rides in writing, I started to plan out my time and that ultimately caused me to improve my thought process and skills in critical thinking.
The aspect that has influenced my writing the most is the limitations that are set for each assignment. They force me to pay attention to detail and really think my work through. I know that this process will be extremely propitious in the long run. When I enter the professional world, the improvement in my writing will become the key to success as I will know how to make clear and concise points in my writing and attract audiences toward the chain of my thought. When Voltaire once said “Writing is the painting of the voice!”, it truly emphasized how writing can be the only tool you need to have an influence on people and a tool that can help you climb the stairs of success. Ultimately, this class greatly contributed to my writing growth as it forced me to stay conscious of boundaries and not write for the sake of completion, but for the pride that comes along with writing well.